MMS’s systems are designed to make importing data from existing MRP/SOP systems as easy as possible

All data is imported form Excel spreadsheets

Templates are available for each data type allowing you to copy and paste from your existing data

Import set-up data such as products, machines and operator names to get up and running as quickly as possible
MMS’s Planning by order
How do our customers who make to order use MMS integration to make planning easier and give great feedback on make times against delivery times?
- Each machine belongs to a machine type (route)
- Each product is assigned a route or routes – which machine types they need to be processed on
- When an order list is imported the system creates an unplanned job for each machine type that the job’s product has a route for
- The outcome is a list of jobs that must be planned to meet your customers demand
- For example if you are making cartons and a product needs printing, cut/creasing and then gluing the import will create a job for each machine type
- The unplanned jobs created are then cut and pasted into the appropriate machine plans
- Every job has a delivery date as well as a forecast completion time to enable reporting of projected late deliveries